Measures on the Quarantine of Plant Regulated Articles Imported by Mail
- In order to reduce the import quarantine risk of postal parcels and to prevent the quarantine articles that people want to import do not meet the quarantine regulations and fail to pass customs, and after referring to the practices of the United States, Japan, and other countries, the “Plant Protection and Quarantine Act” was amended in 2018.
- “The Regulations for Quarantine of Plant Regulated Articles Export and Import by Mail” was published on May 30, 2019 and entered into force on June 20, 2019.
- Plant regulated articles shall not be sent by mail; otherwise, the articles will be reshipped or destroyed. However, recipients who applied to the plant quarantine authority for approval of entry in advance are exempted.
- The regulated articles that are imported by mail shall be packaged with a legible label indicating the content. Also, the postal authority shall cooperate with the plant quarantine authority to inform the recipient to apply for quarantine from the authority.
- The recipients who receive mails without quarantine checking shall notify to the plant quarantine authority immediately upon receiving them. Otherwise, a fine ranging from NT$30,000 (US$1,075) to NT$150,000 (US$5,080) shall be imposed.
- Plant Protection and Quarantine Act
- Regulations for Quarantine of Plant Regulated Articles Export and Import by Mail